Professor Philippe Massin
Orthopedic surgeon - Neuilly-sur-Seine
Professor Philippe Massin
Orthopedic surgeon - Neuilly-sur-Seine

University Professor
Former Intern Hospitals of Paris
Former clinical associate professor-assistant of the Hospitals of Paris
Former Head of Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of hospitals Bichat/Beaujon 
Member of the National French Academy of Surgery


Book Chapters

1- Jeudy J, Pernin J, Cronier P, Tahla A, Massin P (2006). Fixation of complex distal radial fractures using a locked volar plate: A mean of maintaining radial length. In « Fractures du radius distal de l’adulte » Ed. Allieu Y., Roux J.L., Meyer Zu Reckendorf. Sauramps Medical : 235-249


2- Massin P, Chappard D (2005). Biology of periprosthetic osteolysis. In « Prothèses totales de hanche: les choix ». Ed J Puget. Conférences d'enseignement SOFCOT (J Duparc) Vol 90. Elsevier. 2005 : 332-43.


3- Massin P, Chappard D (2005). Biology of fixation interfaces around hip implants. In « Prothèses totales de hanche : les choix ». Ed J Puget. Conférences d'enseignement SOFCOT (J Duparc) Vol 90. Elsevier. 2005 : 315-31.


4- Massin P, Epinette JA (2004). Radiological Assessment and Predictive Meaning of Bone Remodeling in Cementless Implants. Ch 3: Bioactive coatings: clinical work, in “Fifteen Years of Clinical Experience with Hydroxyapatite Coatings in Joint Arthroplasty.” Ed. Jean-Alain Epinette, Michael T. Manley. Springer Verlag, Paris, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Hong Kong, London, Milan, Tokyo: 125-138.


5- Epinette JA, Manley MT, Massin P (2004). Radiographic Analysis of HA-Coated Hip Femoral Components at 10-15 Years of Follow-up. Ch 4: Clinical Experiences in Primary Hips at a Minimum of 10 Years, in “Fifteen Years of Clinical Experience with Hydroxyapatite Coatings in Joint Arthroplasty.” Ed. Jean-Alain Epinette, Michael T. Manley. Springer Verlag, Paris, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Hong Kong, London, Milan, Tokyo: 285-300.


6- Massin P (1999). Radial head fractures: physiopathology. Dans : « les fractures de la tête radiale », livre du GEEC (Groupe d’Etude de l’Epaule et du Coude). Ed. Gazielli, Goutallier, sous la direction de F. Duparc, Sauramps médical : 27-33.


7- Duparc J, Massin P (1992). Long term results and prognostic of total hip arthroplasties. Publication dans "La hanche traumatique", ouvrage destiné à la Licence d'Evaluation du Dommage Corporel de l'Université de Brugmann, Editeurs Pierre Lucas et Michel Stehman, Collection médico-légale, Editions Juridoc, Bruxelles, Belgique: 289-318.


8- Roy Camille R, Mazel C, Massin P (1990). Non operative treatment of thoracolumbar fractures without neurologic complications. Rachis dorsal et lombaire, Livre des 7èmes journées de la Pitié. Ed. Masson (Paris, Barcelone, Milan, Mexico). Chapître 6, 1990: 87-96.


9- Duparc J, Massin P, Azzi A (1989). Cementless hip arthroplasty. The importance of easy removability. In "Joint Replacement, State of the Art", Ed. Commbs, Gristina, Hungerford, Ch.27, 127-130, Mosby Year Book, Inc., St Louis, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, London, Philadelphia, Sydney, Toronto.


10- Engh CA, Massin P (1989). Femoral response to the cementless prosthesis. In "Joint Replacement, State of the Art", Ed. Commbs, Gristina, Hungerford, Ch.18, 97-102, Mosby Year Book, Inc., St Louis, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, London, Philadelphia, Sydney, Toronto, 1989.

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